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WTTC SafeTravels Stamp  

Southern Lakes Winter Tour

Call us at 867-336-3996 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book

This tour will take you over  the World’s most spectacular Lake Systems including Lake Bennett, Windy Arm, Tutshi Lake, Tagish Lake and Atlin Lake. Along the way you will see the Old Engineer Mine, the historic Ben-My-Chree and the Llewellyn Glacier. In Atlin we will fly over  the sleepy little Gold Mining Town and Teresa Island, the tallest mountain Island of any freshwater in North America. On the West side of the lake is the 2 mile railway connecting Atlin Lake to Tagish Lake. Before road access this was the only way to reach Atlin for the Gold Miners. On the way home we can stop in Atlin or the Southern Lakes Resort.

IMG 8232
IMG 2088
IMG 2154
IMG 1995